Myths Revolving Muscle Building

By Rowena Antonio

1 - If you stick to a low fat diet, you can eat as much as you want without getting fat.

If you surpass your energy needs, you will still get fat. However, consuming a diet high in fat will add the weight faster. Fat has nine calories per gram compared to carbohydrates or proteins, which have 4 calories per gram. It also takes fewer calories to absorb the energy in fat than it does to absorb a similar quantity of carbohydrates by weight. Therefore, fat calories get stored more readily than calories from carbohydrates. However, carbohydrates and proteins have calories too. Hence, taking in too much of these will also get you fat.

2 - For you to get big, you will need to eat a lot of calories.

There is no doubt that you will pack on the pounds if your diet is loaded with calories. However, you will just deposit the excess calories in the form of fat, unless you are that rare individual with super high metabolism. Research proves that sixty five percent of the new tissue you gain through high calorie diets is mostly fatty tissue. Fifteen percent is intracellular liquid, whereas, the other twenty percent comes from lean muscle growth.

Therefore, if your desire is to get large, lean-muscles, then very-high-calorie meals are not for you.

Making sure that protein does not break down seems to be the most applicable element in determining muscle growth. Research has found that build-up of fatty tissue through over-eating may actually stimulate muscle breakdown. Moreover, additional fat has a drastic affect on your hormonal balance. For instance, insulin, which regulates the separation of the protein components into amino acids in the human body, is unable to function properly when overeating is continuously practiced.

3 - You do not need steroids to get as huge as the models and professionals in bodybuilding magazines.

Companies that sell bodybuilding supplements support many magazines. Therefore, they have to imply that you can get big without taking steroids. However, all professional bodybuilders use steroids or steroids in combination with other growth-enhancing drugs. It is not likely to get that scale of muscularity and the paper-thin skin without manipulating hormones.

Do not use this as an excuse to give up on your bodybuilding goal. Some key aspects to keep in mind when trying to change your figure are plenty of rest, eating properly and training correctly.

One thing to remember about bodybuilding at the competitive level is that steroids are almost always a necessity. However, it is entirely possible to get the type of physique that will bring respect and admiration from both sexes.

4 - You will build muscle faster if you workout more.

Ninety five percent of pros will recount that the largest bodybuilding blunder they made was to over-train. Your muscles need to rest in order for them to heal. Therefore, when you workout your muscles too frequently that they do not have time to heal, the end-result is zero growth or muscle loss. When you are using the appropriate measure of intensity, training everyday will lead to flagrant over straining. Any body part worked to total, muscular failure may take 5-10 days to regenerate.

You can also over train, even if you are working a different part of the body each day. You will actually inhibit your muscle growth progress if, for example, you work your quadriceps to failure one-day and then try to do some heavy bench presses the next day. Your entire body fails to regenerate from the blow that it has experienced.

The body cannot be counted upon to regenerate from an equally fierce workout the following day, unless you are ingesting some drugs to help deal with the catabolic operations going on in your body. Accept rest as a priceless part of your exercise program.

5 - Workout longer with more sets to get better results.

Research has shown that it is possible to thoroughly fatigue a muscle in just one set, granted that the set consolidates innumerable muscle fibers and carries them to ischemic rigor (rather than relax and contract, the muscle fibers harden) and more contraction produces microscopic tearing. Hypertrophy is just one adaptation to this class of stress.

It is possible to attain this intensity level with breakdown or drop sets. Do all your reps, lessen the weight and then keep going for as long as you can. Another way is to get the maximum number of repetitions, then do 10 more reps to failure. Lock out the weight-bearing joint but do not lay down the weight. This is one way to take a short rest. Conclusion: completely exceed your energy and discomfort thresholds.

There is very little benefit to repeating another set if you work your muscles with the intensity described above. An exception to this rule is to work on large parts of the body that have distinct geographical areas, such as the chest, legs or back. - 31828

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